Commission Info

Prices last updated on 6/27/2024

NOTE: All items here will be delivered digitally, there is no physical shipment of any product. Full resolution files will be sent via google drive or ArtArt containing existing character(s). A reference of the character must be included in the commission form.Pricing:
Flat colors --- $40+
Color + shading --- $50+
+ Background (+$40, or $50)
+ Additional Character(s) (+$20, or $25 each)
-----------------------Meme ArtArt containing existing character(s) in a low detail style. Can overlay existing meme formats.Pricing:
Base --- $15+
+ Background --- (+$10, applies if background is complex)
+ Additional Characters --- $10 each
-----------------------Emoji SetEmoji - Art containing existing character designs in emote format, comes in sets of 5.
Base --- $25
+ Additional emote(s) --- (+$5 each)
-----------------------Reference SheetArt for the purpose of solidifying/modifying an existing design into a reference sheet for other artists to use. (1 character only)Pricing:
Base --- $60+
-----------------------Character designA reference sheet, but for non-existent character designs. More involved, as creating a design from scratch requires a lot of work. (1 character only)Pricing:
Base --- $90+
-----------------------3D ModelProps or avatar models, intended for use within VRChat. Price is determined by complexity of avatar. We will discuss details/pricing once a design is chosen for the piece. Does not include Unity work/upload.Pricing:
Base --- $350
Clothing --- $100
3D Prop --- $100
-----------------------Unity WorkFor setting up avatar for use in VRChat.Pricing:Basic Unity Package ($60)Includes
-Visemes, Eye Look, + other essentials
-Basic material setup (including shaders that you own)
-PhysBone setup
-8 Facial Expressions
Additional charges:
+ Facial expressions --- +$20 per 8
+ Tail/Wing Puppet --- +$20
I cannot do:
-Custom animations
-Particle effects
-Sound effects
-Custom shaders
- other complex Unity tasks not explicitly mentioned that I have not learned yet.


Past commissions

Like what you see? Consider commissioning me!

Terms of service

Last updated on 8/30/2022

By commissioning me, you agree to the terms listed below.

  • The artist reserves the right to deny a commission for any reason.

  • At least half of payment is due upon completion of the final sketch. The commissioner (i.e. You) can choose to pay either half or full price upfront. Once the piece is complete, all payment must be complete.

  • Any major edits once the piece is past the final sketch may incur an extra fee depending on complexity.

  • The artist will not charge extra for small fixes past the final sketch (color errors, small line errors, etc.).

  • For highly complex pieces, the artist may charge extra to compensate for extra time/effort.

  • The more references, the better. Finding or making images conveying what you want in your piece is highly encouraged.

  • If prices on this site change after you reserve a slot/pay, you still pay the original agreed upon price.

  • The artist will complete the piece in a timely manner, according to their circumstances/schedule.

  • If your piece is unable to be completed, the artist will notify you, and issue a partial refund if necessary. Refund amount will be based off of the amount of work completed by the artist, and the piece in its current state will be sent to you.

  • If the piece requested is built off of or uses works made by others (e.g., a sketch commissioned by another artist that you want lined/colored), you must get permission from the original artist to have it worked on.

  • Ask the artist permission if you plan to resell or otherwise use the product commercially.

  • Please credit the artist if you plan to use the piece publicly or commercially.

  • Ownership of the piece will be transferred to the commissioner once the final payment is complete. The artist may include completed pieces in social media posts and on this site as examples of completed commissions unless requested not to by the commissioner.

Horror Portfolio

Here's some of my spookier art, in an even spookier section!